The following have been created in CADVANCE, 
courtesy of Interprise Design - Dallas, Texas




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3d-1.jpg (313404 bytes)
3-D Open Office Plan

3d-2.jpg (246041 bytes)
3-D Office Plan

block plan.jpg (227743 bytes)
Color departmental blocking plan.  Clients love to have these.

circulation.jpg (109067 bytes)
This was used for a building comparison packet which 
compared the circulation patterns of different buildings.

core comp.jpg (111286 bytes)

Also part of the building comparison packet, it compared the core elements of the different buildings.  In the past, these building comparison packets as well as the color blocking plans would have been done entirely on the MAC by our graphics department.  We have since developed a procedure for doing these in CADVANCE which saves us a lot of time and eases the bottle-neck of work that backs up at the graphics department.

flw house.jpg (500332 bytes)

This is a "freehand" sketch done when I was first learning CADVANCE.  It was created by using CADVANCE's most basic line and copy commands and a little bit of hatching.  It's not much different than if it had been done with pen and ink on an illustration board.

photo elev.jpg (218209 bytes)

This is an example of how we use the digital camera to insert photos into our drawings.  This saves us a lot of time when producing a set of standard production drawings repeatedly for numerous locations.  We just insert a photo of the typical layout and then note any revisions right on top of it.


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