




Please see CADVANCE LiTe V13 Review by

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CADVANCE LiTe v13, CADVANCE with AETools LiTe Review



CADVANCE V13 Release Note describes what is new and improved for CADVANCE V13.  This version of CADVANCE provides all of the features of CADVANCE V13 currently available.  It is intended for experienced users and does not currently include the updated Manuals, Helps files or SDK.  These release notes should provide all the information needed to get you started with this release.

What's New and Improved in CADVANCE V13.


CADVANCE V13 contains many improvements over CADVANCE V12. The following is the outline of these new features:


Basic Cadvance Features:

·         Increased the initial maximum size of drawings from 8mb to 128mb.

·         Increase maximum members of Symbols/Groups from 255 to 7,500 per Nesting level.  Nesting level currently is defined to be 15 deep.

·         Symbol names can now be up to 256 characters in length (Including path).

·         TrueType Creation/Editing  supports both the V12 TrueType dialog box and a new multi-feature Text Editor. The new Text Editor supports the RTF (Rich Text Format) specification with a built-in Spell Checker. The System Variable “TrueTypeEditor” selects which editor to use.  Note: TrueType fonts use Paper Space Units when defining font size and word wrap.  The Drawing Scale in Options/Units define the relationship between Design Units and Paper Space.  For correct TrueType scaling the Drawing Scale must be set appropriately.  (See notes at end of document.)

·         TrueType text has been enhanced to provide additional features that are defined in the Windows RTF specification.  One of the new features is the ability to show colors of the TrueType text.  The System Variable “TrueTypeColors”, selects if TrueType colors will be used or if the object color will override the TrueType colors (V12 compatible).

·         Drawings now pack out deleted symbol/group definitions and their deleted members during drawing save.

·         Query/Edit object has been combined to display object and size information in one dialog box. 

·         Edit/Properties now performs Edit/Properties on a single object or Edit/Properties on all objects on the OSL (Object Selection List).  Edit/Properties is accessible via the Edit/Properties menu, Double clicking the object, or Properties on the B2 pop-up menu.  If only one object is on the OSL then Edit/Properties displays a Dialog box for that particular object.  If more then one object is on the OSL then Edit/Properties displays the Dialog box to modify all objects on the OSL.

·         Double clicking any object will activate that object.  If the object type is an OLE object then the application that created that object will be activated.  If the object type is TrueType then the Text editor will be activated.  If the object is CAD text then the Cad text dialog box will presented.  Other graphical objects will activate the Edit Properties dialog box for that object type and display information for the object.

·         A new B2 popup menu will be presented when no objects are selected.  This popup menu  will provide a set of commonly used operations for faster access to those commands.  (Feedback from our Beta Users on which Cadvance features should be included is welcome.)

·         The Menu File/Reference has two additional features added for the handling of reference files.  They are “Merge” and “Expand”.  The “Merge” feature allow for the merging of all attached reference file drawings that have visible objects to be added to the current drawing.  The “Expand” feature provides the same as Merge but it includes all objects in the reference files.

·         File/Reference/Setup now supports window clipping to include objects that cross the window when using the window option.  Reference files also support the Area Fills under lines option in Options/Miscellaneous.

·         A new clipboard feature: Edit/Copy with Basepoint, provides the ability to accurately copy objects to the clipboard and locate those objects onto the drawing at a specific location.

·         Draw/Line and Draw/2Line include the ability to sketch lines freehand by using the mouse.  Holding down the left button while moving the mouse sketches the lines onto the drawing.

·         Object selection now includes two additional methods to select objects on the drawing.  They are “Window Crossing” and “Polygon FreeHand”.  Window Crossing provides the ability to select objects with a rectangle and all objects that reside within or crossing that rectangle will be selected.  Polygon FreeHand allows for the selection of objects using a sketching motion with the mouse to define the polygon.  The Options/System variable “SelectionWindow” provides for selecting by Window or Window Crossing as the default in Point Select mode. In Point Select mode the default is “Window”.

·         Text extents now are displayed for the entire block during placement, not just the first line.

·         When background is black, all black colored objects become white; when background is white, all white colored objects become black.

·         A New  Options/System Variables… dialog box provides operations that allow you to view and modify the system parameters and save them without accessing the ini file directly.  It provides information about the system parameters and allowable values. It currently includes about 100 user settable variables and will be expanded as needed.  There is an associated help .pdf file that describes the System Variables.

·         New variables have been added to the ini file to allow usage of colors in TrueType (RTF) text blocks( System variable “TrueTypeColors”).  Also a new variable “TrueTypeEditor” allows selection of either using the existing Dialog box to be use the new text editor for TrueType entry.


DWG/DXF file support:

·         AutoCad 2007/2008 files can now be read and written directly by CADVANCE V13.  CADVANCE will decompress/decrypt the AutoCad file on reading and will then compress/encrypt the file during saving to AutoCad in the selected format.  CADVANCE now supports versions of AutoCad Drawings and DXF files from Release 2.5 through AutoCad 2007/2008.

·         Cadvance now supports Windows RTF blocks in the translation to/from DWG/DXF files.  Cadvance RTF blocks map to AutoCad’s Mtext blocks.  TrueType fonts will attempt to maintain the same names and there are no limits to the number of TrueType fonts that can exist in a VWF  file (drawing).

·         Color mapping is now available during the importing/exporting of DWG/DXF files to provide better control over the selection of how colors map between DWG/DXF files and CADVANCE colors.  The file CAD.TRN now contains the options for loading and saving DWG/DXF files, the font mapping and the color mapping between Cadvance and AutoCad.  This file is stored in the same format as a Windows .INI file for easy modification.

·         The function Utility / Translate DWG SYM now translates AutoCad R2007/R2008 blocks (in DWG format) to CADVANCE Symbols (SYM files).

·         Drawing scale information is now exchanged between Cadvance and AutoCad drawings.  The Load AutoCad drawing dialog box allows modification of the drawing scale.

·         Increase Symbol names to 256 characters.  Truncation of the symbol names has been eliminated.

·         Increase the size of Symbol/Group members from 255 to 7,500. per Nesting level.  Nesting level currently is defined to be 15 deep.

·         Numerous enhancements and bug fixes have also been included in the updated translator.




New features and improvements:


  1. Resizable dialog box for file handling such as File/Open, Symbol/Place, etc.
  2. File/Print --- Load/Save printer ini file.

When a new printer is selected, margins, color, pen width are updated per the selected printer.

When a new printer.ini file is loaded, color and pen width are updated.

  1. Three icons are added. Please see bitmap folder in the V13 files.
  2. TT font edit is now switched back to V12 style as a default, but if TT Font Edit is set ON in the cadvance.ini file, it changes to TT font edit screen.

A new TT font edit can be activated by setting On, Options/System variables/TrueTypeEditor.

  1. Freehand line draw. Draw/Line/Sketch
  2. Huge nested symbol/group problem is corrected.
  3. Degree, Radius, and +- signs are translated properly from/to Acad.
  4. Angle lock off for Move/Duplicate by setting OFF on AngleLock  in System Variables.
  5. Kind on/off. Set on or off on KindEnable in System Variables.
  6. User can run his exe module from within CADVANCE. Refer to cadvance.ini and toolbar.txt files.
  7. Double click object. Text shows text edit box, other object shows object property dialog box.
  8. Help file is added which can be open from System Variables dialog box.



Windows Vista Support:

Cadvance V13 supports Microsoft’s Windows Vista operating system.  Because of the new security requirements added to Vista, the following steps are needed to enable Cut/Paste operations in all versions of Cadvance.


1.       From the Windows Start Menu select the Control Panel.

2.       In the Control Panel select the User Accounts Icon.

3.       Switch the user to Administrator mode.

4.       The bottom icon in the list of operations is "Turn User Account Control on or off.

5.       Select this Icon and select the square to turn off the "User Account Control"  UAC.

6.       Run Cadvance from this account and check that Copy/Paste is operational.

7.       Log out of Cadvance and you can switch the UAC back on.

This operation only needs to be performed once after installing Cadvance.  Cadvance then can run as a standard user if desirable.


New INI File variables:

·         [System] TrueTypeEditor=ON/OFF ON - Use the V13 Text Editor, OFF – use the V12 Dialog box.

·         [System] TrueTypeColors=ON/OFF ON - Display TrueType font colors, OFF – use color of object.

·         [System} WindowSelection=0/1  0 – Use V12 TrueType Dialog Box, 1 – Use V13 TrueType Editor.


Cadvance SDK Features:


Two new functions have been added to the CADVANCE SDK: CdiSelectbyKind(), and CdiObjElemXY(). The function CdiLoadFile() now includes the ability to load a Bitmap and insert it into the drawing at a specified location.  The function CdiSaveFile() provides the ability to save the ini and toolbar file, just the ini file, or just the toolbar file. CdiZoom() has a new option for drawing fit: CDI_ZOOM_FIT’




·         Short CdiSelectbyKind (osl, kind)

This routine will place all Visable/Selectable objects in the drawing with the given kind onto the specified OSL.


Parameter        Type/Description


Osl                   Long (void *) The OSL to use for this operation. If osl is NULL then the

CADVANCE OSL will be used.


Kind                  Short The value for kind.


Return Value    CDI_OK if successful,  CDI_ABORT if B2 was selected, CDI_WARNING if nothing was selected, otherwise CDI_ERROR.



·         Short CdiObjElemXY( point, op, index, lineset)

Retrieves the x and y coordinates of a vertex within a 2D lineset.  (Can be used with reference files).


Parameter        Type/Description


Point                 CDI_DD_POINT  A two element structure specifying the (x,y) coordinates being retrieved.  (RETURNED)


Op                    Short (*)  The type of operation: CDI_MOVETO or CDI_DRAWTO


Index                Short  The index of the point to be retrieved.  (See table 8.2)


Lineset              CDI_LINESET_BUFFER (*)  A buffer which defines the lineset, typically obtained through a call to CdiObjInfo().


Return Value   CDI_OK if no error, otherwise CDI_ERROR.



·         Short CdiLoadFile (file_name, file_type, configuration)

Loads the specified file. (see CADVANCE SDK Manual for function description and table 8.41 for File Types.)


file_name:             String (char *)     File name.

file_type:               Short                      CDI_FILE_BMP

                configuration:     Long (void *)    CDI_FILE_BMP_LOAD_CONFIG


The CDI_FILE_BMP_LOAD_CONFIG structure contains information that CADVANCE needs during a BMP file load operation.

            typedef struct cdi_file_bmp_config {

                                                CDI_DD_POINT position;

                                                double                                    scale_x;

                                                double                                    scale_y;

                                                double                                    rotation;

                                                short                                       layer;

                                                short                                       DoDialog;            

                                } CDI_FILE_BMP_LOAD_CONFIG;

The CDI_FILE_BMP_LOAD_CONFIG structure contains the following fields:

Field                            Description

Position                        The lower left coordinates of the bitmap.

Scale_x                        The x scale of the bitmap.

Scale_y                        The y scale of the bitmap.

Rotation                        The angle of rotation in degrees.

Layer                            The layer of the bitmap.            

DoDialog                      CDI_TRUE to display a dialog box for the above values. CDI_FALSE to use the passed in parameters.


·         Short CdiSaveFile (file_name, file_type, configuration)

Saves the specified file. (see CADVANCE SDK Manual for function description and table 8.49 for File Types.)


file_name:             String (char *)     File name.

file_type:               Short                      CDI_FILE_INI

                configuration:     Long (void *)    CDI_FILE_INI_SAVE_CONFIG or Null


The CDI_FILE_INI_SAVE_CONFIG structure contains information that CADVANCE needs during a INI file save operation.

typedef struct cdi_file_ini_save_config {

short                       option;


The CDI_FILE_INI_SAVE_CONFIG structure contains the following fields:

                Field                                      Description

            File_type                       CDI_FILE_ALL  saves the ini file and toolbar.

                                                CDI_FILE_INI_ONLY  saves only the ini file.

                                                CDI_FILE_TOOLBAR_ONLY  saves only the toolbar file.



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