What's New in CADVANCE 2002
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New and Improved Features Include:
  • Reference file with bit map data – Reference files can contain scanned image data such as your company logo.  Such image data has to be an embedded bit map.
  • Ortho Move – Move, Copy and Move Vertex functions operate in accordance to the specified “line angle”.  Angle 0 means free hand.
  • Query Object – Show the type of OLE2 Auxilliary object.
  • Euro symbol (€) added to all fonts.  By using the number pad on the right of a US keyboard, press ALT + 0128.  On a European keyboard, press ALTGr + E.
  • Isometric Line - Draws line segments with fixed angles that create an Isometric Layout.  The angles are 30,90,150,210,270, & 330

  • New search - searches objects by many filters.

o       It finds objects within groups or symbols by layer, kind and object types.

  • Edit Symbol/Group - edits objects within symbol or group.

o       It allows you to edit objects within a symbol or group, and reflects the changes to other instances of the same symbol in the drawing.

  • Key map - jumps to a specified drawing.

o       When a key map symbol is created, the “linked” drawing name has to be specified and the name is attached to the key map symbol.

o       Double clicking the key map symbol will load a drawing specified in the key map symbol.

  • Virtual Tablet - acts like a digitizer tablet.

o       Originally sold as a stand-alone tool, it is now included with CADVANCE 2002.  

  • DWG/DXF 2D and 3D imports are improved to allow import of both at the same time.
  • Improved Layer Setup Dialog Functionality - Layers can be sorted by Name or Data, or layer rows can be moved around in any way while in Layer Setup.
  • All "Utility / Query" queries (except Query/Object) have been given dialogs that offer text that can be copied to the clipboard.  These text items are numeric type values.
  • Dimension setup has been divided into several sections for easier understanding and operation, and allows easier settings according to your needs.
  • Text attributes has been enhanced to manage multiple entries with one dialog box rather than many dialog boxes popping up per entry.  
  • Multiple object selection by “window with a mouth right button”.  A pop-up menu will be displayed for the editing.
  • Multi-line CAD Text editing.

o       When text strings are selected by “window with a mouth right button”, a pop-up edit menu is displayed. Selecting ‘Edit Word” will show the whole strings in a CAD text edit dialog box for the editing.

  • Customizable Auto Snap

o       Object type(s) for auto snap is selectable.

  • DWG symbol to CADVANCE symbol translator

o       All DWG symbols in one directory are converted to CADVANCE symbols.

  • Set default properties.

o       When an object is selected, the drawing properties are set to the object. Thus the following operation allows the user to create new objects with the same properties as the selected object.

  • Layer setup dialog box and File reference setup dialog box are now re-sizable.
  • Utility/Query/Size shows a diameter for circle and arc.
  • Draw/Fillet and Draw/Chamfer inherit properties of the first object selected.

  • Improved translation from VWF to DWG including:

    • Corrected symbol problem in translation of primitive elements

    • Improved translation where DWG needs less Audit

  • Plus more!

New and Improved Features and Bug Fixes added in CADVANCE 2000 Service Pack 1-5:

  • Staged Selection - gives the user the ability to select one of many objects at a point that meet the selection criteria. This only applies to "POINT" selection when "Select object(s) for editing ..." is displayed in the status line.
  • Add new entries to CADVANCE.INI file:
    These entries supply the values that will be used when switching from a layer that has these attributes assigned to one that does not.
  • New Object Flashing function added. 
  • Support TrueType line length with the TrueType Aux. Object.
  • Areafill function for arc entity.
  • No object snap is required to select a point or to select objects by window in autosnap mode.
  • Autosnap mode, CDI_AUTOSNAP, is implemented in CdiGetSnapMode() and CdiSetSnapMode().
  • Added new Cdi function call:
    CdiRefRegen Sub

    Syntax Short CdiRefRegen( redraw)
    Regenerates the currently loaded drawings reference files.

Parameter            Type/Description

   redraw              Short/  A flag to indicate whether or not to redraw after the regeneration of the reference files.  Valid flags are CDI_TRUE to redraw, CDI_FALSE if not to redraw.

Return Value: None.

  • Symbol Export: A Symbol Export entry has been added to the Symbol Menu.  This will create a symbol file (.SYM) for each symbol master on the OSL. 
  • Control-Z can be used to delete the last point of a lineset.
  • Add support in command line processing for newer directory and filenames containing blanks and dashes.  CADVANCE supports double clicking on VWF or CBL files in Windows Explorer that are in the above format.
  •  “Inherit Layer Properties” information in symbol query dialog.
  • Cadvance.tbf file is required to use key input properly.  Cadvance.tbf can be created in CADVANCE folder by saving the configuration file (Cadvance.ini) and click “Yes” at the end of the process when “Create a Toolbar File?” is prompted.  Using key input to select main menu command, [Alt] key must be held down while hitting the menu command key.  For example, hit [Alt] + F keys at the same time to get “File” command.
  • Modify plotter information structure to be dynamically defined instead of a static size.
  • Add support for Hatch entity in AutoCAD and convert it to area texture in CADVANCE.
  • Improve flexibility of View Layers Setup and reference setup dialog boxes.
  • Enhanced the editing of very large lineset at or beyond (after modification) the limit, 2188 points for CADVANCE 2000.
  • Eliminated memory leak when loading a new layer file from view/layers/setup.
  • Improve the triangularization for exporting Areafill to 2D Solid.
  • Improve the ghost image on cursor for Edit/Move.
  • Prevent a crash during editing fields in the Options Paths dialog if another program is clicked (activated).
  • Eliminate the text attribute prompting when a symbol with text attributes is used in a line texture definition.
  • Improve reading of OLE RFS files.
  • Update the most recently used file list when a tool bar TBF file is used.
  • Enhance exporting areafill polygons bounded by concave vertices.
  • Reduce the consumption of system resources to create color bitmap on status bar.
  • Improve the toolbar tooltips for Macros. 
  • Added new Cdi function call:
    CdiObjFlash Function
    Syntax  Short CdiObjFlash (flag, osl, time, color)
    Starts or ends flashing of objects on the OSL

Parameter   Type/Description

flag       Short CDI_ON To start the flashing of the contents of the OSL
CDI_OFF To end flashing (all other arguments are ignored).
osl        Long (VOID *)  The OSL containing the objects to be flashed.  If osl is NULL(0), the CADVANCE OSL will be used.
time      Short The time (in milliseconds) to flash, the minimum value is set to 500.  If many items are to be flashed this number must be increased to allow all objects to be redrawn.
color     Short The color to be used for the flashed on objects.  See table 8.12 for valid colors (1-255, CDI_OBJECT_COLOR, CDI_HIGHLIGHT, CDI_OSLHIGHLIGHT)
Return Value CDI_OK if successful, otherwise CD_ERROR.
Comments The flag must be either CDI_ON or CDI_OFF.  The calls should be make in pairs of ON &OFF.  There is no nesting.  Changing the osl while flashing will change the objects being flashed.
Example dim qtime as long
dim iret as integer
ov_osl = 0
qtime = 500
iret = CdiObjFlash (CDI_ON, cv_osl, qtime, CDI_OSLHIGHLIGHT)
CdiMenuEnable Function
Syntax Short CdiMenuEnable (idmv, sat, count)
Starts or ends flashing of objects on the OSL
idmv() Short (*) An array of menu IDM values that are to be enabled or disabled, this array may be any length but must be terminated with a value of -1.
state() Short (*) An array of state values for the corresponding IDM value.  The state values are CDI_TRUE to enable the menu item or CDI_FALSE to disable it.  The array should be the same size as the array of IDM values but does not need any entry corresponding to the -1 DIM value.
count    Short The number of entries in the idmv array.
Return Value CDI-OK if successful, otherwise CDI_ERROR.
Comments The state values should be either CDI_TRUE or CDI_FALSE.  If not they will be changed to CDI_FALSE.
Example dim iret as integer
dim idmv(5) as integer
dim istate(5) as integer

idmv(2) = IDM_DRAW_2LINE
idmv(3) = -1
istate(0) = CDI_FALSE
istate(1) = CDI_FALSE
istate(2) = CDI_FALSE

iret = CdiMenuEnable (idmv(0), istate(0), 4)

Bug Fixes:

  • Hidden line problem.
  • Remember the order in Snap Hierarchy.
  • Turn off flashing when closing the OSL being flashed.
  • Clipping horizontal and vertical lines when texturing with symbols.
  • Fix 15-character database keys.
  • Improve error message when not able to load third party DLL.
  • Remove graying from Attributes Text Report menu entry and add check for no data if selected.

  • Looping in 3D select with pre-specified point.

  • Error in post attributes.

  • Select all, select by key and select by file to only select those objects that are in the current mode.

  • Text and other objects contained within a group or symbol and being displayed in a cursor as an extent box.

  • Improve spline importing process.

  • Improve MText importing process for both CAD font and TrueType.

  • Export Mirrored text with negative height value after ungrouping group or symbol.

  • Negative layer color for hidden layer and locked layer.

  • Cannot change a plotting color after the first plot is done.
  • Use symbol to do texturing then place the symbol that will corrupt the system.
  • Cannot open drawing with more than 4095 pages.
  • Do a selection by dragged window selects any associative object on the drawing.
  • Correct error with find on File Open Dialog.

  • Cannot import more than 8 reference files from DWG.

  • Add support to import mirrored reference files from DWG.

  • Correct displaying symbols with or without inheriting layer properties.

  • Setting the smallest unit in symbol translator.

  • Adjust Symbol Flag effect on older symbols.

  • Some older drawings having empty data pages.
  • Copying symbols resulted in exploded copy of symbol being drawn at the origin in copy.
  • Extra large symbols and the use of CdiObjInfo API.  CdiObjInfo would crash if symbols contain more than 256 members.  This is fixed by limiting CdiObjInfo for symbol masters to only copy the first 256 members.  In order to handle more members, a new function has been added:

CdiObjInfoMaster(master_segid, index, &member_segid)
Where:  master_segid is the master segid
index is the zero based index of the member
member_segid is the returned member segid



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